Contact Information/About us/Data protection

The Austrian Mathematical Society (abbreviation ÖMG) is a scientific society whose aim is to promote mathematical teaching, research and applications in Austria. See also our by-laws (only in German).

President of the Austrian Mathematical Society

Prof. Dr. Johannes Wallner
TU Graz
Kopernikusgasse 24
8010 Graz

Office of the Austrian Mathematical Society

Mathias Präsent

Email: oemg@oemg.ac.at
URL: http://www.oemg.ac.at/
Austrian register of associations: 713660073

Bank details:
IBAN: AT83 1200 0229 1038 9200


Medieninhaberin, Herausgeberin, inhaltliche und redaktionelle Verantwortung: ÖMG

All contents on this home page have been compiled carefully. We make no guarantees of accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information on this website. Therefore we accept no responsibility or liability for damages or losses resulting from the use of this website. Links to external websites have been chosen carefully. As they are outside our control, we accept no responsibility for these sites. If you find a problematic content or link, please let us know.

Data protection

We protect the data of our members and do not share these data with others. Every member can use our member data base to check or update his/her private data. There you can also set if you want your contact data to show up in our memebr search or not. Upon request we will delete your date when you cancel your membership. Feel free to contact us in case of further questions.
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