15. ÖMG-Kongress
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mathematikervereinigung

16. bis 22. September 2001 in Wien

Sektion 13 - Dynamische Systeme, Kontrolltheorie
Freitag, 21. September 2001, 16.00, Hörsaal 16


From Liapunov functions to Liapunov exponents via minimax

Josef Hofbauer, Universität Wien (Koautor: B.M. Garay (Budapest))


Stability of equilibria or invariant sets can be characterized by Liapunov functions and by Liapunov exponents. In a particular situation (dynamical systems on the cone $ R^n_+$ or the simplex, with the boundary as invariant set) we provide stability conditions in these two ways. Their equivalence follows from the minimax theorem.

E-Mail: Josef.Hofbauer@univie.ac.at
Homepage: mailbox.univie.ac.at/Josef.Hofbauer

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