15. ÖMG-Kongress
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mathematikervereinigung

16. bis 22. September 2001 in Wien

Sektion 11 - Numerische Mathematik, Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Dienstag, 18. September 2001, 15.00, Hörsaal 47


Additive Multigrid Theory

Susanne C. Brenner, University of South Carolina

The convergence of the V-cycle multigrid algorithm is usually handled by a multiplicative theory where the iteration operator (matrix) is expressed as a product of operators measuring the effect of the multigrid algorithm on different grid levels.

In this talk an additive convergence theory for the V-cycle algorithm will be presented. This theory is effective for establishing the asymptotic behavior of the contraction number of the V-cycle algorithm as the number of smoothing steps is increased.

The following applications of the additive theory will be discussed:

(1) a complete generalization of the classical V-cycle convergence theorem of Braess and Hackbusch to the case of less than full elliptic regularity,

(2) convergence of V-cycle and F-cycle algorithms for nonconforming methods with a sufficiently large number of smoothing steps.

E-Mail: brenner@math.sc.edu
Homepage: www.math.sc.edu/~fem/brenner.html

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